Thank you for clicking, surfing, searching, and / or otherwise stopping by Blind Net. These pages provide you with USEFUL and FACTUAL information about blindness; general information as well as links to Organizations OF and FOR The Blind, and the companies that provide some of the products we use.
Every site on the web reflects the views of its creators and or sponsors. It is no different here at Blind Net. If you realize that blind people are normal human beings who simply can't see and that we can do most anything a sighted person can do, (we just use alternative techniques), then you'll almost certainly like what you find here. We do not have, "THE RIGHT ANSWERS," what we do have is a positive philosophy about blindness and its related issues.
This web site is divided into sections which should help you find the information you're looking for. You can also search the web.
Send your questions or comments .
The Blind Net web site is Copyright © 1995, 2010, all rights reserved.
I Did It So Can You,
is more than a book about losing weight, it also covers relaxation techniques,
exercise, stress reduction, and attitude. Its a distillation of the many
techniques that have kept me alive for the last 30 years through a series of
physical and mental-health challenges. These are the methods I used to go from
a depressed, couch bound, fibromyalgia patient, 100 pounds overweight, to a
cheerful, vibrant, triking harper.
These pages were coded using
the shareware version of QEdit v3 for DOS.
This web site was built with 100% recycled materials.
No electrons were harmed in the construction of these pages.
The Web Access Project is working to make the web easily accessible to disabled people. This logo is displayed because this web site is designed to be readable by people using screen readers and other computer access devices.
This web site is fully accessible to people using screen readers. There are no frames and tables are kept to a minimum.
This web site is viewable with any browser. We all have our favorite browser but our web sites should be viewable by all.